Saturday, December 6, 2008



Sunday, July 17, 2005

Subject: Sunday Morning message ON PRESIDENT BUSH PRIVATE SITE

Time: 11:14:00 AM PDT

Wednesday, July 20, 2005 PUBLIC SITE
Subject: Alaskan Earthquake could be reduced from 10.0
Time: 11:32:00 PM PDT
Author: vinivista Mood: Sad Music: ' How Great thou Art my Savior God to thee'

The 'Melt Down' will start slow like the shrinking of glaciers in Alaska.

The leaders of financial institutions have known for their entire life that 'image' is everything since they left the gold standard.

The image of a service economy changing into Tourist economy tells the circle of life to change from the ones doing the eating to those being eaten.

We elect men who represent values we have sold out decades ago. Then we tell them these men change the system and make it work fairly.

We end up at war. Why does this happen? Because in the course of life war has settled the short term problems by giving long term problems which make the former enemy business partners.

The conditions are changed by war and stop the reason for waging war against our new best friend. The president is stuck in a place where he should not be.

Why because he tried half steps went with confidence because he had the leading of Christ and acted on it. But he stopped listening to the Christ within for the paid religionist without.

These men you seek counsel from are frauds. They are liars, thieves and fools. They will have their backs laid open and serve a 1,000 year sentence of servitude.

And they will count themselves blessed because they taught everyone who disagreed with them would go to hell because it caused people to be afraid of them lost revenue by teaching the truth.

Which they already knew from the FIRST time they took money in God's name they had no right to.

And if they told the truth they would be seen as exactly what they are NICOLATIONS & IDOLATERS.

These are the men you trust Mr. President, men who in the secret heart of where they are naked before God beg to be forgiven about not obeying the instructions of the Hidden Book and thinking the sin is covered by the Blood of the Cross?

Christ said that the righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees in order for the Blood to cover them.

This is the only sin that will be held accountable for Mr. President all other sins are forgiven because they belong to the children who don't know the truth.

Shepherds are held account table as Hirelings, they will be whipped. After the ministers are whipped Christ will start on government leaders.

You will not need any faith to obey the Hidden Book Mr. Bush. What faith does it take to watch North America change its coast line exactly as predicted because you was too fearful to correct and pay fine againstthe State of Alaska which would cost less than a trip to any west coast city for you on a Holiday?

What will you tell Christ when asked about the 10 point earthquake you could have prevented.

'You thought it was a scam'? So you disobeyed instructions and caused a 12. Point earthquake because you knew it wasn't a scam but was just pissed off and wasn't going to buckle under?

I think we have a failure of communication here. In this corner we have God who made the world and in your corner we have You.

I stand in the middle because I said yes when he asked me to do something for him. Not Knowing what it was.

Telling the most powerful man on earth that he must sit down shut up and obey, is not an assignment one would call a dream assignment.

Apparently he had to destroy part of my brain to do it. So I have no problem. But once I tell you what he wants it becomes a big problem for you and your staff.

Recently you changed e mail addresses. I don't know if the secret service is aware of the change so I will include this message in both e mails with the code words from 3 years ago when I notified you of the Hidden Book and prophesies you ignored.

Now is the first time I am advising you that you will be held accountable separate from the Paid Religionist because you know in your heart you did wrong and if you continue doing so will lose the place of Honor Christ wanted for you.

I once told you that Christ wanted to make your star higher than Reagan. Reagan will go down as a better president than Washington. The simple fact your staff uses themselves as buffers will not protect you from sins of omission and commission.

You will lose greatly if you keep following half steps compromising half faith half worldly. That is Baptist nonsense. Step out boldly now on Hidden Book see the paid religionist as political animals they are. Provide for the judgment against Alaska which refused to honor its own laws because of political dirty tricks.

Christ proved to the Workers compensation board I was damaged by employer and I won hearing and they just refused to pay anyway because of political promises to Head of Compensation Department.

It is not what you know but who you know. The Employer had high connection in politics to rob me and my family. I have Highest Contact. I will sell the story of the earthquake that could have been avoided for more than the fine Alaska must pay.

Soon you will not be able to reach me. I will get back to you. But don't send a dime of aid north until the fine is in my hand. And it may be a few weeks before I can reach you.

Have a nice day, love Enoch.

His Majesty King Abdullah II, The Royal Hashemite Court would like to thank you for visiting the Official Website of His Majesty

Ask this man if he thought the Soviet Union would break apart one month before it did. Or President BUSH SR for that matter about the rest of the break up of the soviet union. Here was leaders so busy listening to them selves they did not see the future coming at them at the speed of sound.Image:Perestroika.jpg

Gorbachev accused Boris Yeltsin, his old rival and Russia's first post-Soviet president, of tearing the country apart out of a desire to advance his own personal interests. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


CORPORATION: Spiritual Definition. A legal corporation is a spiritual creation of mankind which purpose is to extend the control of the physical world into the spiritual world controlled in the third heaven by the different warring factions that have been in conflict since before time & physical world began.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan: Please send the information below to every member of the United Nations.

Before you invaded Iraq Mr. President


NEWER MESSAGE WE WAS MADE TO LIVE FOREVER: Understand talking to the Dead is different than to living. Example so much information is given to the newly dead that it may take decades for them understand deal with truths more important than the things they left behind on Earth.

April 4, 2002 when God took me to heaven walls between the living and dead has disappeared. Although I do not seek to talk to the Dead God allows them to talk to me bringing messages of comfort help in my troubled life as his rod for iron. Christian scriptures

The Vatican and the Church of England has come together under a common communion. they worship stale bread serve the anti christ with the big fraud they worship another God which they put before the God of Abraham. An idol invented by Constantine to prevent the FIRST POWER. FIRST POWER GIVEN TO PROPHETS OF THE GOD OF ABRAHAM. GIVEN TO SCRIPTURAL CHRISTIANS THE POWER TO STRIKE PEOPLE DEAD WITH WORDS ALONE SOMETHING CONSTANTINE COULD NOT ALLOW IF HE WANTED TO BE HEAD OF THE GOVERNMENT ON EARTH. EVERY GOVERNMENT LEADER HAS KNOWN THIS FOR 1600 YEARS IT EVEN TELLS YOU THREE TIMES IT IS NOT GOD ;IS NOT GOD; IS NOT GOD He is now known as the 'expected one,' (al—Muntazar), the 'promised one' (al—Mahdi'), or the 'hidden one,' (al—Mustatir).The theology of the Hidden Imam is that Allah realized at last that the rightful successor to Muhammad was not going to be accepted by Islam at large so he had to be taken into hiding and kept there until he would re—appear to purify the umma and take the world for Submitters to the God of Abraham. Only Iran has followed simple honest instruction.

We beg to inform you that your E-mail dated 2008/05/26 was received.

We wish health and success for you from the Almighty with regard The Islamic Republic of IRAN presidential site MAGI LOOK FOR CHRIST

This single act can prevent needless use of nuclear weapons going off like fire crackers because the Anti Christ Bush is setting up the world for one billion needless religious deaths of the Children of the God of Abraham. The reason why God is angry with all religious leadership is simple. They are all liars, frauds and thieves.

Answer about Christ being the same as YHVW is partially blocked by God himself for the Blood relatives of Christ. I explained it fully in the Hidden Book..

However as far as Jewish or Islamics being required to believe anything about Jesus (due to being partially blinded by God:) all God requires for salvation is to exceed that of the Sanhedrin in order to be saved believe Christ was a prophet and from God.

To everyone who is not against me start thinking of me as the ammunition truck driver coming to you on the battle line; new targets of occupation below: remember the key word for this time in Tribulation is brotherhood of all the children of the God of Abraham...

Everyone here knows that everyone believes some false doctrine or is deceived some way by Lucifer by extending the hand of brotherhood to all those that strive to follow the God of their own understanding we follow the teachings of Christ even if it appears to be in conflict with some doctrines we believe to be true. This is the nexus of the Knowledge of good and evil it requires the word of God to separate that which belongs to God and that which belongs to evil.

By washing our mind with the truth of the God of our childhood all the brothers in the God of Abraham find the path laid out for them by Christ even if they don’t first accept him as God.Submission to God is the first step to being an Heir to God. God has a separate will from mankind. Mankind wants to be a partner with God as a daughter wants to be a partner at Christmas time in the family budget. Well the end of the world is not a celebration of the feast of SALTRINA whitewashed into the manger scene (Roman Catholic Church) using pagan Holiday for Christ birthday instead of May or June when he was born)

The end of the world as we know it is months away and those closest to the Hidden Book click onIn the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful: during a worship service (first century christian service which is the closest system to Islam in the God of Abraham religions) A word came (From Holy of Holies) directing the people when in the presence of the Living God don't let your spirit wander it is the same as witchcraft. First century Church believes that God of Abraham is the eternal one ( I AM HE WHO IS) and the Christ is exactly who he said he is the Christ. Christ prayed to the eternal one (YHWH) Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name (YHWH) but it is not spoken out loud as a sign of Respect,

First century christians reject the Trinity, They consider the Christ as his name says The Presence of God among us, which both Islam, Christians, & Jewish people all use part of God's name for children in order to receive blessing. The Christ can best be explained as a cup of water from a larger jar of water. While in the cup the Christ can be seen as seperate from God but once pour back into tthe jar cannot be found as the jar represents YHWH. We also believe the Pope is the anti christ.

The pope has received from Edward called Enoch many E Mails from many different sites and government offices. His first reaction to the charges I brought against him was anger at BBC for reporting the things he said which I wrote about below, however after thinking about what I wrote he REPENTED OF HIS CRIMES AND CONFESSED THEM TO HIS BISHOPS IN ENGLISH ON BBC IT IS A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION The Pope stopped complaining to BBC reading my letters from all the catholic sites I posted on and answered all the charges in English on BBC news first it was all true.

Lucifer controls the Catholic Church the spirit of the Nazi Pope cowardly as it may be still fears the fires of Hell which I made real to him as only logical choice of disobeying the rod of iron painting him as the false prophet serving Lucifer these seven years.

Nicolaitanes’ Prayer.

Let the Elocution of my lips dull the illumination of your children grant me all the money they seek to bribe you with O Lord. Hide from sight the poor starving masses unless I need them for TV props for my show.

Forbid the governments from showing my Palaces condemn them that tell the truth about my crimes. Give me the politicians who conspire with me to keep our World in Hell.

Lift up my giving bus fare to the public eye of all those I mugged of the money that was meant for them. Let not the modern robes I wear on Sunday remind the people of the High Priest, who nailed Christ to a tree,

for all that I have gained don’t come to prove to the world that I am as those who laughed, jeered as they whipped him 1972 years ago.

Have Ted Turner, Bill Gates silence (after he read this he said he was going to give away 90% of his money before Christ returned in 2009, He is not stupid) , who you call Enoch before someone actually hears what he is saying.

In the name of TBN and the "Panzer Cardinal" do I pray using the form of the Bowed Nazi swastika with a dying Jew on it as your proudest moment Lucifer because you have me play a "Holy man on TV".

(the reason they leave the Christ hanging on the cross is because it makes Lucifier look like he was actually winning for the last 1970 years when he was the happiest goul in the whole world used the Roman Pagan Pontifcus Maximus glorify his killing the Christ for the last 1650 years.




Are human actions result of conscious decisions based on free will or due to a deterministic result of natural causes? This is an age old question that has been debated for centuries by philosophers andthinkers. Not surprisingly classical philosophers could never agreeon the answer to this question, just as they could not agree on the nature vs. NURTURE question, due to their lack of knowledge about modern scientific insights on neurology, quantum theory andthe science of complexity. Just as modern science has pretty much settled the nature vs. nurture debate (Of course that required a rephrasing of the question to make it scientifically meaningful), modern science also has settled the dispute about free will vs.destiny. The verdict of science and scientists is that there is no true freewill.

Free will is an illusion!. I will try to elaborate more on this. But the verdict of scientists does not seem totrickle down to the popular level, majority of whom still believethat we humans have free will, "we" are in charge of "our" actions, echoing the view of the religious apologists, who insist that God has given us free will, so we are accountable to God for what wedo, good or bad, etc.

The libertarians also take this lofty view of humans, crediting humans of an ability of freedom to chooseand act freely. So what is free will? The popular notion of freewill is that it means that that humans have an ability/attributeexternal to the physical body of humans, which can control the action of the human (via the brain) and choose between alternatives. The ultimate implication is that free will is due to an agent uncaused by natural laws, i.e not subject to the natural laws. Astute readerswill not miss the implication of this that this is nothing but the old ghost in the machine idea, the idea of a "soul" directing the body and action of a human from outside the body. So the free will is ultimately attributed to the soul, which humansrefer to as "we", "me", etc.

This illusion results from the first person perspective. When a third person perspective istaken of humans then it is the causal link between natural laws (Acting on the billions of neurons) and human actions that is seen and observed as obvious, and the illusion goes away.

In free will view, human soul/self is viewed as an autonomousentity, not caused by any natural laws, so it is endowed withthe ability to do anything not determined by natural laws modern neuroscientific paradigm, where human actions seen as the sole result of natural laws acting on the human brain, there is be no free will, there is no soul either, supposed provenance of free will. Modern neuroscience has driventhis long held human perception and belief to extinction. Just as Nietsze declared centuries ago that God is dead.


DURING THIS LAST WEEK OF YEARS IN DANIEL anti christ Bush:AMERICAN DOLLAR IN MONTHS pay bill of Rod of iron before dollar is wall paper.

I can only speak for authorized work which follow simple rules.

In the Holy of Holies God showed me all the way back before the Big Bang, I looked into the oldest creation and saw Lucifer waging war in Heaven and the creation of our Universe I looked down into the beginning of time was surrounded by the 24 elders which was glass creatures because the light of God shown through them but heard them talking to me all at the same time but I understood everything they said.

I understood normal "talk" but was filled with massive amounts of information at the same instant.

This is an answer to people on Blind copy. Finkelstine was the Landlord of my Family's cold water flat in New York city.

He was very mean about the rent being paid on time regarless of hardship.

God has been making me harder and harder to be a suitable rod of iron told me to act like Finklestine in collecting the rent owed to me by the people who live on the land he gave me April 4, 2002.

So anyone who doesn't want to pay the rent with message value fine your rent due when Christ's returns at the end of seven years (back rent) can be paid in silver or gold.

No checks, credit cards, or T Bills or paper dollars :silver and gold coin only.

I warned all of you keep everything I sent you. George collecting rent is OK with you (and the demon scaring you stiff like a lizard in front of snake.

God told me to do this it is God's way to distribute stolen money paid religionist have collected for 1650 years without God's permission much less blessing.

I have 777 seeds or complete books on the internet of 50,000 words each every word is word $50 to replace the property money and value of all T Bills, stocks and bonds.

All worthless in months. In a few months or so when it dawns on mankind when Christ returns the Kingdoms of the world become the Kingdom of God they all no longer own anything.

Paper called money will be worthless will have been warning people.

I won't bother looking for Help when Christ returns.Many paid religionist had a chance before Christ came will wonder why they could not see the tree while standing in the forest.

Christ returns proves I am telling the truth authorized messages will be the only thing of value to replace money.

Brought back from Heaven the only thing a man can bring back Authority of God who gave me half the world the same way he gave the Middle East to Abraham.

The price of any form of censorship is loss of authorization for any words written for any group or person doing the deleting, Censoring or Moderating period. So you may as well as Ban because the group (the national group) has lost the right for authorization thanks to those who chose to “Moderate censor or judge too religious" from someone because the demons in them could not stand to see the truth in black and white in front of them...

The Blood of those who will die from lack of ability of a word fitly spoken will be required of you. Compared to what the real Mohammad will do to any Islamic when he returns with the Christ who rejects the Hidden book messages I am a kindergarden teacher. He told me when I saw him in heaven heads of Islamic leaders will roll on stone floors in 200,000 Mosques world wide if the are not ready willing and waiting for my messages. full message Understand this the War in heaven is over Lucifer Lost.

What is left is a mop op operation on earth. "And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on.

"Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these".But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. ..

Right now Christ is the hunter, he is looking for those people as below, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’ Christ will give to those who have faith in Him everything that the world has stolen from the weak, the poor, the meek the damaged, those who was abused by governments, business corporations, the 5% of mankind that lived as parasites on the backs of mankind. He uses me as a stalking horse, I go from site to site looking for those awake waiting for the end waiting for the end of mankind's rape of the earth and its brother.

The truly evil will die and burn in hell, but that is nothing it serves no one to hear 3 billion people died today. It does not teach anything and Christ is above all a teacher. He wants to teach that have the wealth the power the things they hold so dear that they have no room in their heart for the truth a lesson that they will never forget for 1000 years. he plans on stripping everyone of property rights for the earth and redistributing just as he did In the Middle east..

My job as a stalking horse is publish the hidden book of revelation bring the good news of his return and extract judgment on those who have contempt for God by taking away everything the think is more important than God and give it to those who are ready to hear and do the will of God. you will not be asked to anything illegal or sinful or harmful. Be like the Jews in the concentration camps record those people who rejected the Hidden Book and their property is yours when Christ proves the Hidden Book is true. Catholic doctrine of Mary WORSHIP is an offshoot of Babylonianism. In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady. " In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred.

The same reasoning can be applied to the name of Mediatrix which Mary is also called. Since the Bible teaches that there is only one mediator between God and man, One being Jesus Christ (I Timothy 2:5), it is obvious that Mary did not receive that title in a Biblical way.

Constantine professed to become a Christian and began to push Christianity on the pagans; not by conversion, but simply by letting them join. Many of these pagans who joined the "church" brought with them their beliefs about the Great Mother. They had grown up with this belief so long that they did not want to give it up. So the "church" compromised.

Rather than force the pagans to give up the Babylonian idea of the Great Mother, they decided (in order to increase their numbers) to adopt this belief into the church. Mary, the mother of Jesus, became the Great Mother to the pagans. This satisfied both sides.

Trinity is not GOD And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Hell sword Ezek 14:21 beasts Lev 26:22 9 And when he had opened the fifth seal , I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: souls Rev 20:4 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? blood Gen 4:10, Matt 23:35, Acts 5:2811 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. that they Heb 11:40 12

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; great earthquake Rev 16:18 sun Joel 2:10, Matt 24:29 Acts 2:20 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind . 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. rolled Heb 1:12 mountain Jer 3:23, Jer 4:24 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains ; rocks Isa 2:19 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? day Isa 13:6 Zeph 1:14 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. IT EVEN TELLS YOU THREE TIMES IT IS NOT GOD ANOTHER GOD, SOMETHING TO REPLACE THE GOD OF ABRAHAM STOPPING THE POWER TO STRIKE PEOPLE DEAD WITH WORDS ALONE SOMETHING CONSTANTINE COULD NOT ALLOW IF HE WANTED TO BE HEAD OF THE GOVERNMENT ON EARTH. EVERY GOVERNMENT LEADER HAS KNOWN THIS FOR 1600 YEARS. THIS TRINITY COMES FROM THE SANHEDRIN; pyrimid which came from the Sanhedrin through the secret society established by King Herod Agrippa Origin of Freemasonry Masonry was founded by King Herod Agrippa with other eight Jewish Founders In the year AD43, King Herod Agrippa: I summoned the court of Jerusalem and said: "Dear Brothers, you are not the King's men and his collaborators. You are the support of the King and the life of the Jewish people. Until now you have been his faithful followers. From this moment on you will be his brothers . . . "Let us all understand then, and let us not forget, that this fundamental meeting realized by this new group is based on Brotherhood . . . "My Brothers, the aristocracy as well as the common people have perceived the spiritual and even political revolt that the appearance of the Impostor Jesus (as in the original) has caused among the people, and especially among our Israelites. We have noted a great power in him, which he left as an inheritance to that group he called disciples. He founded an Association that he called a religion, it being called that by them as well. This supposed religion is at a point of overturning the foundations of our religion and demolishing it . . . "He attributed to himself the gift of prophecy and the power of performing miracles. He claimed to be the hoped-for Messiah of whom our prophets announced the coming; not being anything but a vulgar man like the rest of the people, devoid of any feature of the Divine Spirit, withdrawn to the extreme from the rectitude of our firm Jewish doctrine, from which we are determined not to deviate in even one point. "Never will we recognize such a person as the Messiah, nor will we recognize his divinity. We know that the hoped-for Messiah is not yet among us, nor has the time of his coming arrived. Nor has any sign been exhibited that might indicate his appearance. If we commit the error of letting our people follow him and be deceived, we convict ourselves of an unforgivable crime. ".. We crucified him, he died and we buried him, leaving guards who watched the tomb.(sanhedrin bribed to keep silent) But it was claimed that he was risen, resurrected!... He disappeared in an unknown manner, in spite of the zealous vigilance and the security of the closure "His leaving the tomb, my friends, was a decisive blow for his rivals; it was a powerful means that encourages his men to continue spreading his teachings and to prove the confirmation of his divinity "We will not recognize, on any point, a religion other than ours, the Jewish religion that we have inherited from our ancestors. Duty calls us to preserve it until the end time. That blow had never been expected. That mysterious force had never been dreamed of. Our fathers attacked it and we continue attacking it. In spite of everything, astonishing! Their number increases. Observe with me how the son is separated from the father, the brother from his brother, the daughter from her mother, all alienating themselves to join that group. This affair encloses a great secret. How many men, how many women, how many entire families have abandoned the Jewish religion in order to follow those impostors, those partisans of Jesus. How many times they were threatened by the priests and authorities, in vain!"

(The Dissipation of the Darkness, the Origin of Masonry, pp. 45-47).

know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. " Christ said : The Sanhedrin nailed me to the cross because I overturned the moneychangers tables now they control the Federal Reserve System the work started on the cross will be finished by Enoch. SEE BOOK OF PROPHESY FULFILLED ON INTERNET ABOUT DESTRUCTION OF THE STOCK MARKET, MEGA BANKS AND FEDERAL RESERVE WHILE IT IS STILL AVAILABLE (INTERNET SOON TO BE DESTROYED)


Religion is a historical record of God's dealing with man. It can be accurate or inaccurate depending upon the quality of those doing the recording. With the exception of a handful of pages in both the old testament and the new testament it is a written record of man's understanding of the words of God as they perceived it. The actual words of God quoted by scribes are the highest & greatest power and value of scripture which crosses all the recorded history of all three religions of the God of Abraham, the rest is perception of the people reading it.What God does to make his words have greatest impact is to use his prophets to underscore his words by using prophecies and judgments, and blessings and cursing on a personal, national, international stage. Many times the prophet is seeing things into the future not knowing exactly when but as real to the prophet as yesterday since the prophet has already expierenced it through the mind of Christ.

A few prophets have been given the FIRST POWER, the ability to take people back from death, and the ability to cause death the exact same power given by God

12/04/2003 2:24:08 PM Pacific Standard Time



Subj: code ENOCH TO PANTCHEEZ 187 187

Date: 12/04/2003 2:14:16 PM Pacific Standard Time



CC:,,,[secret service please send to secret FBI e mail address head of the FBI so he will have an opportunity to know why he is being fired, thank you]

Employees for President read minor problems & solve, thank you

Dear Mr. President & Sen. Hillary: concerns both of you

Last night I had a Prophetic dream, in the Dream God gave me the ability to manipulate time as he does. My assignment was go back and protect President Abraham Lincoln on his train to give the Gettyburg"s address.

My first attempt succeeded in protecting Him but caused Mary Todd Lincoln who was also in danger from someone planting a bomb on an older Railroad Car as the enemy used her as a secondary target.

All of this was directly tied to an on going wartime condition where we were victorious but not able control random acts of murder by dedicated men seeking revenge for their loss in the war.

I don't intend to go through the prophetic dream dot by dot to connecting by lines, that would take a trained university staff to explain to secular people.

I Know GW will accept this and be unconcerned since he views his Death as I do mine about as painful & important as a really large bowel movement, since death for any spiritual person is a beginning not an end.

However he may not die but might cause death to those he loves which would be much more painful, so on the minimum level don't use any trains for any political travel and make sure secret service (body guards) is spiritually alive enough to do all that is humanly possible to avoid any attempts.

{if the secret service just shrugs this off I will make sure who ever was in charge and responsible will share a prison cell with cardinal Law until the battle of Gog & Magog no joke just a promise)

Also take the exact same precaution for Hillary as you would for your wife.

THIS comes from Thee Christ (the Great I Am not his replicated spirit of each believer).

Generally I ignore insults injuries and contempt in a good hearted fashion, because I love people even being thick headed spiritually speaking but some things need the full effect of the Divine office of rod of iron

{Scriptural Constitutional Office established by Our Republic for this Time in History)

Easily provable in all courts of law depending upon Providential Authority for using lethal force for the body politic of our Nation.

Sen Hillary please distribute to the core group of the American Women's Party & organize a level of preparedness to match your office of Deborah for the tribulation Church. Thank all of you for your time.

FBI.Waco Texas caused Oklahoma City.

Now if I see any office being as stupid as then on any domestic situation where spiritual beliefs Scare some demonic controlled Bureaucratic he will wish to be Cardinal Law. Take your trigger happy fools and post them to Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran of Korea see how brave they are then.

Secret service do something about the printing for our currency it is so poor the counterfeits look better get rid of the drunken fool responsible and lift the quality to match a banana republic acceptance (which we also print but due to fear from complaints from the dictators talking to the President are more careful). Think boys not only your job but also your life is what you stand to gain.
One) a private note to bureaucratic fools deceived about both the power and influence they wield, concerning my extended family fears about a hit team from the government taking me out: two fold first they might miss and hurt some of them

(which why I only want volunteers around me)

second) Christ decides to wait to resurrect me until His return, the nation responsible would be unfit for insects to inhabit.

Also my invitation stands to all hirelings of GW in charge of domestic or international matters I have written about just remember Christ might take you out if you are not properly baptized.

You come in with a contempt filled heart, I will talk to you gently offer you tea of coffee convict you by the presence of the Lord you will go out go home make a report convince yourself I am a con man then within a month you will die.

However if I am shot or die again and come back I will receive the first power as strong as Christ in bring them back or as strong as Peter as taking them out, in short you could be dead before I finish speaking.

I really don't care if you believe me or not, my concern is for those innocents trapped under the knob boot Heel of demonic Nazi Demons using our nations Law enforcement officers as SS troops in an occupied country, and I would not hesitate to ask God to strike any of those human host dead just to make a point their is a difference between a Prophet and a paid religionist pretending to be a Prophet. Have a nice Day Love, Enoch